Tuesday 10 November 2020

Bird Hide closures

With the government increasing restrictions we have had to make the hard decision to close the bird hides. Even though the hides are closed you can still get incredible views of the wildlife using the Reserve. Our viewing platform next to the white railings of Budle Bay is still accessible and offers spectacular panoramic views across the Bay with thousands of waterfowl currently utilising the intertidal area. However, please use the platform and don't access the inner shore to view the wildlife. Many of our wintering birds travel thousands of miles to reach our shores from places such as Svalbard or Greenland and need to rest and feed up to recover and prepare for the arduous migration back. Accessing the bay causes disturbance, making birds expend energy and fat reserves as they are pushed around the site. This will have an adverse effect on survival rate of these species.

Ringed Plover ©JJD

Lough hide now closed

We will reopen the hides as soon as it is safe to do so.

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