Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Star Species: Golden Plover

If you have been onto the island recently you may have seen some of the bird life around the causeway. Near to Chare Ends and often close to the Pilgrims Way there has, of late, been a large flock of wading birds which look stunning in the sunshine. We can have up to 3,000 golden plovers on the reserve at any time making good use of the large numbers of invertebrates the mud has to offer.

Golden Plover JJD (c)

 Most of these golden plover that you see on the Reserve are changing from their  striking golden summer plumage with a black front into their autumn/ winter get up.

Breeding in uplands during the summer they flock together in coastal areas during the winter to feed and this is where you see large numbers like we have been. It’s essential in order for them to survive the winter that they don’t use valuable resources through unessential movements such as when they are disturbed. 

When walking around the Reserve please keep this in mind. Please, where possible, avoid walking close to large flocks of birds and keep dogs close to heel or even better on a lead to prevent them from causing birds to lift.

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